Separation of Money and State


By: Joe Cobb
By: Joe Cobb
Date: Aug. 27, 2012

To focus some ideas on a substitute system of payments, accounting units, and deferred asset pricing -- our discussion will be about how to make a "new monetary system" in a post-Fed world. When we have separation of Money and State.

G.Edwin Griffin was on C-SPAN2 Book TV Sunday with the 5th edition of his Creature from Jekyll Island. This is his history of the Federal Reserve and its cartel of bankers. Nothing in his ideas or facts is inaccurate, but he imputes a degree of "intentional bad behavior" to the story. I am an economist. It is not important whether they were bad or selfish in my study of how "money and credit" are working.

The central idea we oppose is the idea that "money" has to be some "government unit" thing. Nothing about the modern business world needs anything more than just the Name of the money, not its issuing government. You trade in euro, dollar, yen, and renminbi without hesitation.

Why not trade directly in units of gold bullion? Credit banking is how the financial system works. It should be grounded strictly in gold bullion coins and ingots in secure vaults for you and me to own. E-banking for such services already exist.

This is the question to explore.
